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Dare to chat

Dare to chat

Platform: Mobile | Android.
Game Engine: CoronaSDK.
Context: Peace Process in Colombia.

This project is built as a prototype of a serious videogame directed to the construction of peace in the Colombian context. We ask participants to identify themselves with a made-up profile, and collaborate with people that are different to their profile. In this indirect way, we pursue the construction of peace by encouraging the conversation among people with different points of view. Preliminary user studies show that our prototype encourages collaboration among participants.

First version of Dare To Chat

馃専 New features

Multiplayer profiles
The colors indicate the similarities between the profiles of the players
Final Score
Final score calculated based on the profiles of the players and the time it takes to solve them the puzzle

鈩癸笍 Additional Information


Pablo Figueroa Forero
Associate Professor