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Perceived Space and Spatial Performance during Path-Integration Tasks in Consumer-Oriented Virtual Reality Environments

Perceived Space and Spatial Performance during Path-Integration Tasks in Consumer-Oriented Virtual Reality Environments

Studies using virtual reality environments (VE) have shown that subjects can perform path integration tasks with acceptable performance. However, in these studies, subjects could walk naturally across large tracking areas, or researchers provided them with large-immersive displays. Unfortunately, these configurations are far from current consumer-oriented VEs (COVEs), and little is known about how their limitations influence this task. Using a triangle completion paradigm, we assessed the subjects’ spatial performance when developing path integration tasks in two consumer-oriented displays (an HTC Vive and a GearVR) and two consumer-oriented interaction devices (a Virtuix Omni motion platform and a Touchpad Control). Our results show that when locomotion is available (motion platform condition), there exist significant effects regarding the display and the path. In contrast, when locomotion is mediated no effect was found. Some future research directions are therefore proposed



Pablo Figueroa Forero
Associate Professor